Wednesday, July 27, 2011

In Honest

Hi there, I'm known as many things, but I usually prefer Kenzie out of all of them. I'm an aspiring artist and amateur photographer. It's hard to get known in the world nowadays, as most of us well know. It's even more difficult if you aren't taken seriously. Well, I'm here to say that I'm serious. I'm not trying to sound self-righteous or ignorant, I just want to be honest.

To put things in black and white, I am willing to do leaps and bounds for what I believe and what I do. You may say that "I'm just too young" and believe me, I say that all the time. Talent comes in different sizes and different packages, as most of us know. I've been told that I have serious potential and I find myself believing it now. It isn't wrong for me to share my work and that is why this blog exists.

You can take that first part however you like. I just believe that it needed to be said.

Alright, thank you for reading at least this far. I'll be selling artwork here and also giving a bit of back story on each piece, probably the process as well. Thank you!

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