Tuesday, August 2, 2011


It's a Tuesday night. How... Fantastic!
So this is definitely not one of my favorites by me. The photo of it doesn't do it much more justice.
I am a bit of an insomniac and on the tendencies that I do get sleep, I have very vivid and usually disturbing dreams. Sometimes the dreams fuel my artwork. If you're wondering what this has anything to do with this painting, well, I painted this in the course of two nights when I couldn't sleep.
Fish and marine life--and, well, water, in general--have always been an interest of mine. We have two salt water tanks in our house, so I've had a great opportunity to learn about these types of fish and other life forms. This completely isn't as pretty and amazing as the coral and fish get, but hey.
Went a little long there... Whoops.
Anyway, this was painted in acrylics and oils.
9" x 12" canvas board.

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